
Down Loading Plans

  1. Move the cursor over the plan you want to down load. Left click
  2. This will take you to a screen of the image only.
  3. In Mozilla Firefox, at the top left of the page, left click on "File." Go to the print options, and left click on "Print."
  4. In Windows Internet Explorer, at the top right of the page, left click the print icon.
If that routine does not work, try the following.
  1. Left click on image. This will take you to a screen of the image only.
  2. Right click on the image. This brings up a menu.
  3. Left click on menu choice "copy image."
  4. On your computer go to a blank word processor page.
  5. Right click brings up a menu.
  6. Left click on menu choice "paste." The image should appear on the blank page.
  7. Print the image on your printer.
If neither of these routines work, leave a comment. I will try to work with you on an alternate method.

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