Table of Contents

Downloading plans
Flight of whirligigs
Free plans all metal hub
Free plans Whirligig Stand
Free plans Whirligig #43
Free plans Whirligig #46
Free plans Whirligig #57
Gears for whirligigs
Painting your whirligig




WHIRLIGIG 57 is a reworking of Whirligig 31 to make it all metal.  Instead of painting Whirligig 57, I used colored adhesive backed vinyl sheets used for signs.  I have also recently used colored vinyl electrician's tape on some of the newly designed stands.  I will furnish more details later when I publish plans for Whirligig 57 and a simpler stand in two to three weeks.

20" x 16.5" x 7.75" (50.8 cm x 41.9cm x 19.7cm), aluminum, stainless steel fastners, adhesive backed vinyl



See it move.


Carole said...

I wonder which will last longer....the paint or vinyl?

Chuck said...

Carole, to that end I put Whirligig 57 outside today, Feb 28th, to see exactly that. I secured it so it won't blow down or away. I also want to get some idea of how high winds can go before there is damage to the whirligig.

Anonymous said...

IF you cold send plans of the #60 and #62 to me vial email? berniew(at)